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PSR FOR UMBRIA 2014/2020



Beneficiary: Capoccia Bio Agricultural Society

Description of the project:

  • Construction of agricultural structures for the storage, transformation and direct sale of agricultural products
  • Purchase of equipment for storage and processing of agricultural products
  • Purchase of agricultural equipment
    Contribution amount: €306,540.83

Aims and expected results: in line with the aims envisaged by Intervention 4.1.1 of the PSR UMBRIA 2014-2020, the funded project is aimed at improving the performance and global sustainability of the company through the purchase of agricultural machinery and the construction of structures and equipment for the storage, processing and direct sale of agricultural products.

Initiative funded by the Rural Development Program for Umbria 2014-2020
Body responsible for providing information: Capoccia Bio Agricultural Society
Managing authority: Umbria Region – Regional Directorate for Economic Development, Agriculture, Labour, Education, Digital Agenda.

More information on the EU agricultural policy and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development are available in the “rural development” section of the European Commission website.